In Protected Forest area management plan there are plans Wehea ecotourism activities geared towards the potential utilization of natural attractions with due regard to the principle of balance between utilization and conservation interests in it. Therefore, it is necessary to know the potential as a tourist attraction in the area of protected forests Wehea by doing activities such as inventory and identification of objects of nature tourism in the Protected Forest Area Wehea.
Based on the survey of fauna by the survey team TNC (The Nature Conservancy) at the end of the year 2003 with the EIA survey data Gruti 1996, Wehea Protected Forest has a rich fauna which is very high potential, especially for groups of primates, mammals and birds. In addition to the potential flora fauna is also very diverse, ranging from the types of trees, species of orchids, species of fungi, liana species, and other types (Anonymous, 2005).
Based on the description above tested and formulated the idea of ecotourism model that is more healthy and beneficial, sustainable and can improve the welfare of society. Thus the problems raised in this study, namely how the potential biological and natural phenomena such as landscape engineered or packaged for the development of nature tourism (ecotourism) in Wehea Protected Forest Area, East Kutai Regency
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